Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be What You Are!

Be Perfectly Happy To Be What You Are!

There are those who seem to enjoy being unpleasant for the sake of it.
There are lots of others who are spiteful, scornful, snobbish, hurtful, selfish
and small-minded.

Obviously, as an idealistic and caring person, one is not one of them.
Now that circumstances are forcing one to deal with someone of this nature,
resist the temptation to encourage them to adopt a more gracious approach.

They're perfectly happy as they are.
Leave them be.
Be perfectly happy to be what you are, too.

The law of our life can be summed up in the axiom
"be what you are"

Thomas Merton



Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


Time is like a river.

You cannot touch the same water twice,
because the flow has passed will never pass again.

Enjoy every moment of life.....
For Those Over 55 Years Old
For those who are already 55, start practising it.
For those almost 55, get ready.
For those where 55 is a long way off, help your parents do it.
For those Over 55 Years Old
1. Focus on enjoying people, not on indulging in or accumulating material things.

2. Plan to spend whatever you have saved.
You deserve to enjoy it and the healthy years you have left.
Travel if you can afford it.
Don't leave anything for your children or loved ones to quarrel about.
By leaving too much, you may even cause more trouble when you are gone.

3. Live in the here and now, not in the yesterdays and tomorrows.
It is only today that you can handle. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may not even happen.

4. Enjoy your grandchildren (if blessed with any)
but don't be their full time baby sitter.
You have no moral obligation to take care of them.
Don't have any guilt about refusing to babysit anyone's kids,
including your own grand-kids.
Your parental obligation is to your children.
After you have raised them into responsible adults,
your duties of child-rearing and babysitting are finished.
Let your children raise their own off-springs.

5. Accept physical weakness, sickness and other physical pains.
It is a part of the ageing process. Enjoy whatever your health can allow.

6. Enjoy what you are and what you have right now.
Stop working hard for what you do not have.
If you don't have them, it's probably too late.

7. Enjoy your life with your spouse, children, grandchildren and friends.
People, who truly love you, love you for yourself, not for what you have.
Anyone who loves you for what you have will just give you misery.
And you'd probably know that by now.

8. Forgive and accept forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others.
Enjoy peace of mind and peace of soul.

9. Not trying to be morbid, but befriend death.
It's a natural part of the life cycle. Don't be afraid of it.
Death is the beginning of a new and better life.
So, prepare yourself not for death but for a new life with the Almighty.

10. Be at peace with your Creator.
For ..... He is all you have after you leave this sojourn on Earth.

More Tonka Toys for Grandson!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Toys for Grandson + Grandpa!!!

Xiu Ming on Tonka Bike!


Tonka Garage!


Tonka Baby Cars!

Nice car set!

Happy Xiu Ming!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

LIFE * Coffee & Cups * $$$

'The happiest people in the world are not those who
have no problems, but those who learn to live with
things that are less than perfect.'

A group of graduates, highly established in their careers,
got together to visit their old university professor.
Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in
work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went
to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and
an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal,
some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite -
telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee,
the professor said:
'If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were
taken up, leaving behind the simple and cheap ones.
While it is normal for you to want only the best for
yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee.
In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases
even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted
was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the
best cups... Then you began eyeing each other's cups.'

Now consider this, said the professor, 'Life is the coffee;
the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life,
and the type of cup we have does not define,
nor change the quality of Life we live.
Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup,
we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us.

Enjoy your coffee!

'The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything'.

Four things to take note of in life...
1. Live simply.
2. Love generously.
3. Care deeply.
4. Speak kindly.

Shine a light & enjoy your Coffee today!


1. Innovative.
2. Preliminary.
3. Proliferation.
4. Cinnamon.

1. Specificity.
2. Anti-constitutionalistically.
3. Passive-aggressive disorder.
4. Transubstantiate.

1. No thanks, I'm married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you're not really my type.
4. Kebab? No thanks, I'm not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn't it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn't! No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I'm not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance,
I have no coordination. I'd hate to look like a fool!
9. I must be going home now, as I have to work in the morning.